Farts, Sycophants and New York’s 7th District

After trying to find clips of the White House correspondents’ dinner Saturday night, I asked myself, “Why do I care?” or more impolitely, “Who gives a shit?”

I started thinking, none of my friends probably even know it’s happening (beside my classmates reading this) or what it is – my mom wouldn’t. It certainly won’t affect me.

The whole affair seems like TMZ, politics and a high school prom put together.

The Sunday morning shows will probably say Obama snubbed so and so, or that he shouldn’t have attended and should have been in Louisiana and that this is his Katrina.

This is what’s wrong with media coverage. They track missteps, farts, and sycophants.

Technology isn’t helping this sound bite coverage. We’re all a little more scatterbrained. Have you seen anyone under the age of 30 in line at Starbucks, not looking at their phone (myself included)? By 2015, 140 characters will be the new short story. Frgt vwls.

Bill O’Reilly has some 3.5 million views a night – far and above the leader – while “Dancing with the Stars” has 23 million viewers. I think there’s a market to be had.

We can connect with 5th grade friends on Facebook, but can’t get people interested in politics.

After Saturday night’s fanfare, I know my trips from school back to the Bronx won’t change. I’ll see the same people begging for money, the same workers dozing off after too many hours, and a few of them quenching the thirst of a better life with a Budweiser.

Joe Crowley’s district – where I live – is still one of poorest in the country. He’s not responsible for decades of destitution, but who is?

Crowley will win in November. He may even grab a top leadership post as well. But even a well-positioned Congressman can only do so much.

Just walk through Charlie Rangel’s district.