Fat Cat for the Little Guy

A lot of the times a  filthy rich Congressman that seems out of touch with the common man and has his own villa huffs and haws about the oppressed members of society, it can seem a little disingenuous. Charlie Rangel has made a career out of fighting for the little guy, and despite his current fat cat status his fighting words still seem to come from a genuine place and a genuine understanding of the poor and the downtrodden.

It’s important to remember that Charlie, as much as we love to give him a hard time for his recent transgressions, and despite him dressing like the monopoly man, has been down and out. Raised by a poor single mother in the slums of Harlem, he fought his way to the top. Whether it was dropping out of high school or being shipped out to fight in Korea, he made something of a terrible situation. Perhaps that’s why he still gets a lot of love in Harlem and from those of lower socioeconomic means despite the bow-tie.

In the past week alone, he helped introduce a bill to speed along Haiti’s recovery, voted for a bill that helps to provide care and support for veterans, and fiercely criticized the Arizona immigration bill. Though he’s not exactly taking a controversial viewpoint, and though some may assume he’s only providing lip service, throughout Rangel’s entire career he’s made a habit of embracing similar legislation, whether it’s veteran benefits or providing tax relief for low-income families.

Despite all his errors, Rangel still comes across as being true to roots, and that’s what people who question his support and power don’t seem to understand.